Manhattan West redefines what office perks can be, with six million square feet of cutting-edge office space across four buildings – all within an iconic destination pulsing with vibrancy, culture, and innovation.
High-Rise: Levels 49-67
Average 31,500 RSF
Mid-Rise: Levels 28-48
Average 33,5000 RSF
+ 67-Story Office Tower
+ 60,556 RSF RSF Available
One Manhattan West features best-in-class technology, design, and workspace management to ensure efficient operation. Powered by 100% renewable energy.
High-Rise: Levels 49-58
Average 35,300 RSF
Mid-Rise: Levels 28-48
Average 36,725 RSF
Low-Rise: Levels 6-27
Average 37,000 RSF
+ 58-Story Office Tower
+ 346,000 RSF Available
Two Manhattan West offers build-to-suit opportunities that can accommodate multiple lobbies, 38,000 RSF podium floor plates, a black car drop-off and robust infrastructure.
11,446 RSF with 2,000 SF Terrace
Levels 4 – 12 | 15,000 RSF
Ground Floor | Private Lobby
1,016 RSF
+ 13-Story Boutique Office Building
+ 122,633 RSF available
+ Building-Within-a Building Opportunity
Four Manhattan West offers bespoke office space featuring a modern industrial design with a unique private entrance and lobby opportunity.
High-Rise: Levels 11-16
Average 110,000 RSF
Mid-Rise: Levels 6-10
Average 120,000 RSF
Low-Rise: Levels 1-5
Average 135,500 RSF
+ Fully Leased
The cornerstone of the campus, Five Manhattan West’s tenant mix brings together thought leadership and disruptive retail to provide a platform for organizations to reach their highest potential.
Duncan McCuaig
Mikael Nahmias
David Caperna
Daniel Roberts