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Building a Brighter Future


Brookfield Properties’ goal is to minimize our impact on the environment, while improving the efficient use of our resources over time. Our unwavering pledge to net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner is a key pillar of Manhattan West’s design.

One Manhattan West & Two Manhattan West

Powered by 100% Renewable Electricity

One and Two Manhattan West is powered from Brookfield Renewable’s hydropower facilities in NY State, reducing the carbon footprint of the buildings by 80%. Energy usage is tracked via blockchain technology, and tenants can monitor real-time energy consumption with support for their own carbon-reducing objectives.

Brookfield Renewable

One of the world’s Largest Publicly Traded Renewable power platforms.

Owns and Operates more than 70 Hydropower plants in new York.

Brookfield Renewables’ hydropower facilities and wind farms in NY could power 440,000 homes a year.

ReThink Food

Making Lasting Change in the Food Industry

Brookfield Properties is partnering with Rethink Food, a nonprofit whose mission is to create a more sustainable and equitable food system. Manhattan West will feature the first Rethink Certified Campus, a group of restaurants, food purveyors, vendors and corporations who are empowered to make an impact on issues of sustainability, food excess, and food insecurity.